
It’s always hard to come home after vacation, but it’s especially hard when you spent your time away on a beautiful beach in perfect weather with family you miss a whole lot the rest of the year. I’ll admit I didn’t have the best attitude during our 1100 mile drive home. We left my mom’s in Michigan at 8am last Friday and planned to make as few stops as possible until we arrived at our house sometime around 2 or 3am.

Overall the kids did well, but they didn’t nap at all or fall asleep for the night until close to 10 and the hours passed slowly. At one point I buckled them into their car seats, put on a DVD, and climbed into the front seat next to Adam.

“Is it really only 4pm?” I said when I saw the time.

“Yeah, but we’re almost halfway,” Adam said encouragingly.

“We’re not even halfway? This is the longest day ever!”

As soon as those words were out of my mouth, I remembered a story we’d seen on the news a couple weeks before we’d left on our trip. It was about the famine in Somalia. Because of Somalia’s civil war, aid workers haven’t been able to provide people with the food and water they need. Without any other options, many Somalis have had to walk for miles across the desert to reach refugee camps. Some have not survived the long journey.

As we rolled down the highway, images of mothers carrying lethargic babies through the dust toward overcrowded refugee camps filled my head. Had I really just been whining about our trip? As we sat in an air conditioned motor home with bottles full of water in every cup holder? As we passed countless restaurants and talked about where we’d stop for dinner? While our kids sat safely in their car seats, their toys scattered across the floor?

Sometimes I forget how easy I have it. I tend to focus on what I want instead of what I have. But God is not happy with that. He wants me to do everything without complaining. He also says that from whom much has been given, much will be required. And I have been given many things in my life.

I don’t think God wants me to feel guilty for having a fun vacation with my family. It’s when I complain, especially about a situation that’s only slightly uncomfortable, that I offend Him. This morning one of my children was very fussy and whiny. Hour after hour. No matter what I said or did. It was exhausting and annoying. (And it made nap time downright thrilling.) But I can’t be too hard on my little one when I do the same thing myself.

God wants me to develop a compassionate, thankful heart. I sense Him telling me to pay more attention to my words and to grow up a little. With His help, I will.


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  4 comments for “Convicted

  1. August 16, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    What a great insight! I needed this reminder today – thank you!

  2. Aron
    August 16, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    I, too, needed this reminder. Your willingness to be open about the lessons God is teaching you blesses us so much! Thank you. :)

  3. August 16, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    You got my crying friend. Today has been a day and I needed encouragment desperately. Thank you for sharing your heart.

    • linnea
      August 17, 2011 at 1:00 pm

      I hope things are better today, Brandi. Let’s get together soon!

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