The New Normal

Autumn is one week old and we’ve all been adjusting to our new normal as a family of five. I’m not quite sure what our daily reality will be like just yet since I have so much help right now. Adam’s taken time off work, my mom is still in town, and our sweet friends have been dropping off meals for us. If it weren’t for the sleep deprivation this might actually feel like a vacation. The pressure is off to accomplish anything or go anywhere, and I’ve had extra time to watch Sky and Micah get to know their baby sister.

Sky is quite the little mama, always saying things like, “I think Autumn wants a rattle!” (or twenty). And, “She’s crying because she wants her blankie!” Micah’s favorite line is, “Hold Baby Ottoman!” which he repeats over and over until she’s placed on his lap. As for Autumn, we don’t really know what she’s thinking, but hopefully she’ll adjust to the noise and chaos of our house quickly.

I’m a bit nervous about how I’ll cope with all three kids once I’m back to handling them on my own every day. But the Bible says I don’t have to worry about that today, so I’m not. I’ll face that next week when it happens. For now I’m taking lots of pictures, giving Autumn’s soft newborn hair plenty of kisses, and thanking God for His extravagant goodness to our family.


  6 comments for “The New Normal

  1. Malin
    February 27, 2012 at 1:04 pm

    Congrats once again! She’s precious!

  2. Aron
    February 27, 2012 at 1:23 pm

    Happy one week birthday, precious Autumn! (or Ottoman – now there’s a nickname I wouldn’t have thought of!) Can’t wait to see her and all of you again!

  3. TLC- Momma C
    February 27, 2012 at 2:53 pm

    lol! Love the 20 rattles surrounding her and the precious photos of her big brother and sister lavishing her with loving attention.

  4. February 27, 2012 at 9:33 pm

    Girl one day at atime. Don’t let Satan rob you of today. Take full advantage of all the help. If you need help once your mom leaves and Adam gets back to work I can gladly help or just come for a visit or bring a meal or anything you need. I am praying for you!! Has it really been a week alraedy??

  5. Valerie McCarley
    February 28, 2012 at 11:07 am

    Congratulations Adam and Linnea (and all the Curingtons!). “Ottoman” is so cute and funny. It reminded me of the recent birth of my great-nephew. Before he was born, his name, Wyatt Lee, was told to his two year old sister. Much to our enjoyment, “Wyatt Lee” came out “Quietly.” So that is what he was often (and sometimes still is) called. My own father, Wyatt’s great-grandfather, calls him “Little Earp.”

  6. Michelle Andres
    February 28, 2012 at 11:52 am

    Love these pics! Baby “ottoman” is so adored already. Soooo precious!!

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