35 Weeks

All of a sudden, my due date is a month away. How did that happen? I’m not sure, but February is on its way and thank God for it! When I got back from Michigan and saw friends for the first time in a month I mainly heard two things: “Wow, you’re big,” and “Wow, you look tired.” Last night I did have a kind friend tell me I was glowing, but like I said, she is really kind. The big and tired comments are probably more accurate. This whole motherhood thing is exhausting.

But the other night I came across a blog that encouraged me more than just about anything I’ve read lately, and I wanted to share it with you, especially if you are a mom with little ones at home. According to Glennon, we don’t have to feel guilty for not enjoying every waking moment with our kids! We’re climbing Mount Everest, after all. It’s a spectacular thing, a life-changing task, and one we willingly took on, but it’s probably more fun in the picture album memory version than each real life, one-slippery-step-at-a-time moment.

I won’t be pregnant for much longer and only God knows whether I’ll get to experience it again in the future. I do want to soak it up and appreciate it as much as I can. But it’s good to remember that I don’t have to love everything about being pregnant (my varicose veins, for one thing) or savor every moment (like the four times I get up at night to use the bathroom).

And don’t you just love it when one mom helps take the pressure off another mom? I hope I can do that for someone else soon.

  2 comments for “35 Weeks

  1. Mom
    January 10, 2012 at 9:10 pm

    You’re doing a great job, Honey, carrying and nourishing our grandchild. Thank you!

    • linnea
      January 11, 2012 at 8:20 am

      Thanks for the constant encouragement, Mom. Love you!

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