Month: April 2012

Another Baby

Earlier this spring, our family got some surprise news: my sister Birgitta, the youngest of us seven kids, is expecting her first baby this October. She’s just finishing her sophomore year at the University of Iowa and was definitely not planning to be pregnant right now. The clinic at her school told her she could easily “terminate the pregnancy”, but… Read more →

My Family


For the first time the other day Micah called his little sister “Baby Autumn” instead of “Baby Ottoman”. Is it weird that it made me a bit sad? Most of the time though, he’ll touch her fluffy hair and say, “Dat’s my SISSER!” and then, “I’m the brother,” and always after that, “I’m a BIG BOY!” (It seems like Sky… Read more →

In All Circumstances

The other day Micah went to Grammy’s house, so I was at home with just Sky and Autumn. I’d originally planned to do something fun with Sky like bake cookies while Autumn took her long morning nap. But Autumn had other plans. She woke up early and she was fussy. We’d had a string of rough nights, so I was… Read more →