Month: March 2012

3-25-12 016

Smiley Face

I recently heard that an infant’s fussiness peaks around 6 weeks. In my experience, that’s true. It actually makes sense when you think about it. Babies are more alert at 6 weeks than in their first few weeks of life, but they still can’t do a whole lot with their energy besides suck on something or cry. It’s also been… Read more →

One Month

Autumn was born one month ago today and I still find myself on a “birth high” whenever I remember it. But we’ve had plenty of reality in our family this month too—work stress, breastfeeding struggles, sleepless nights, and temper tantrums from our two and three year old kids. Okay fine, sometimes I’m the one having the meltdown. I can still… Read more →

Short Prayers

Ever since Autumn’s birth three weeks ago, my daily routine has been set aside. It’s not really much of a sacrifice, especially when Autumn opens her blue eyes wide and stares at my face (she’s on the verge of her first real smile!) or when I touch her soft, fluffy hair (which also happens to smell delicious). But there are… Read more →