Month: January 2012

For Baby #3


I’m 37 weeks pregnant and as my midwife said last week, I’m nearing “my window”, meaning the baby could come anytime. Since I was overdue with my first two babies, I’m not expecting this little one to arrive before her due date. But then again, you never know. Birth is unpredictable. And to be honest, that’s a little hard for… Read more →

trampoline fun


Adam’s parents love to give presents and they recently gave our kids something truly awesome: a trampoline! Because the trampoline is child-sized, it’s low enough for Sky and Micah to climb onto without any help from me. I get to sit in a chair next to it with my feet propped up and watch them jump like maniacs, burning off… Read more →

35 Weeks

All of a sudden, my due date is a month away. How did that happen? I’m not sure, but February is on its way and thank God for it! When I got back from Michigan and saw friends for the first time in a month I mainly heard two things: “Wow, you’re big,” and “Wow, you look tired.” Last night… Read more →